bande défilante

Grand Merci à NDI, Grand Merci à Vous !!! Mes remerciements s'adressent également à tous ceux qui par le nombre de leurs visites de mon blog ont montré l'intérêt qu' ils portaient aux articles que je publiais , ce qui m'a encouragé à poursuivre et surtout à m'engager à faire plus et mieux dans les mois à venir. Jacqueline PENGE

samedi 25 octobre 2014


I want to share this testimony with participants of the Academy of women. Remember my sisters examples on the "Mbote ya roulage " and the behavior of some police officers responsible for the training of traffic. This testimony edified me and touched.

Jean Pierre BEYA
Jean-Pierre Beya is a familiar face on Avenue Colonel Lukusa. I used to encounter him on the drive to school every morning as he regulated traffic. Beya has one of those faces that can’t go unnoticed. He exuberates a smile and happiness that extend to those in the cars that pass him by every day.

Beya has been working on the same avenue since 1997. Today, I introduced myself for the first time and asked if he would accept to be the first Congolese featured on this page. To my surprise, Beya tells me that he remembers me from my days as a student in middle school. 

But I am not the only one to have noticed Beya’s energy and dedication to his work. He tells me that his most memorable experience so far is "when I received an invitation from the American ambassador in 2009 to attend an event at the American Embassy of Kinshasa. He told me that he [the ambassador] noticed my ethical way of working. And since then I have been attending that event.”

Jean Pierre BEYA, at work on the avenue colonel LUKUSA

Right before I was about to leave he asked to share another story:

“I remember when MONUSCO (United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo) arrived here...They sent a team of journalists to put a piece together about me. I was quite shocked that I was the one they picked as the best traffic police. The package aired on a number of TV stations. I still have the tape at my place. This really really touched me.”


4 commentaires:

  1. Je rejoins ce témoignage. Jean Pierre Beya est en effet l'un des meilleurs policiers de route ou roulage chez nous. Pas du tout conflictuel il cherche d'abord conciliation avant condamnation. Si seulement ses pairs pouvaient prendre exemple sur lui ou sur un autre, Golber. On aurait moins d'apprehension a la vue de policiers. Tout deux respectables.

  2. Ohooo, j'avais oublié Golber. Un très bon policier aussi. Fière de vous

  3. It's so niece your story! I noticed him already too the policeman Jean Pierre Beya. It's the work of a professional that he made.
